Duyvendak Yan

Born in Holland in 1965; has lived for many years in Geneva and Barcelona. Trained at the Ecole superieure d’art visuel in Geneva. Has worked in performance since 1995. Duyvendak regularly presents his performances at, among other venues, the Fondation Cartier in Paris (Nomadic Evening/Soiree Nomade, 1995), the EXIT performing arts festival in Helsinki (2001), Art Unlimited Basel (2002), the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid (Don’t Call it Performance, 2003), the Guangju Biennale (2004), the Image Forum, Institute of the Moving Image, Tokyo (2005), the crédac, Ivry-sur-Seine (Midnight Walkers, 2006), Vooruit, Gent (2007) or at the Festival d’Avignon (2008).

His video work is in numerous public and private art collections, going from the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon, to the Museum für Kommunikation, Bern.

In 2004, Duyvendak received – for the third consecutive year – the “Swiss Art Award”, as well as the “Namics Kunstpreis fur Neue Medien”. He has been awarded with several “artists in residency” programs, for exemple the Cité des Arts in Paris, the Schonhauser artists’ space in Berlin, or the Swiss artistic Studio Pro Helvetia in Cairo (2007, 2008)